In the rapidly evolving landscape of energy systems, a comprehensive approach is emerging that transforms residential heating systems from a passive consumption point to an active, intelligent market participant. The AI-DAPT project unveils a novel methodology that creates a dynamic dialogue between energy markets and residential heating infrastructure, ensuring that human judgment is always the authoritative decision making point.
The vision for AI-DAPT’s energy pilot is to experiment with a market-heating ecosystem, with a symbiotic and intelligent relationship. By investigating the integration of data and modelling pipelines between the homes’ heating systems and market signals, the pilot aspires to test sophisticated, bidirectional communication between energy markets and residential thermal systems.
Part of our research is to establish an advanced predictive framework that analyses complex market signals and translates market intelligence into heating strategies. Key dimensions for such a framework are the day-ahead market price predictions, along with other grid stability indicators and local thermal response characteristics.
By identifying low-price energy windows, utilising building thermal inertia as an energy storage mechanism and respecting user comfort limits, our vision is to strategically offer not only energy efficiency, but also optimal market conditions for intelligent thermal management.
Our envisaged pipeline framework seeks to encompass several layers, such as market intelligence with market price forecasting, adaptive control with dynamic heating strategy optimisation, and predictive modelling with advanced machine learning algorithms.
AI-DAPT’s research impact on the energy domain represents not only a technological innovation, but a comprehensive, intelligent energy management pipeline framework that widens the view to energy market, transforms consumers into energy stakeholders and supports the transition to sustainable energy systems.

We invite professionals and researchers to explore our transformative approach. Together, we can reshape how we produce, consume and think about energy.